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If you're going to have a big impact, you Need to Know how to Generate High-Quality Canvassing Leads and Appointments for Your Storm Restoration Business. Sign Up for My Free Consultation Today!


Dave Welch

Roofing Leads Expert


from the desk of Dave Welch

Dallas Texas


 My name is Dave Welch and I’ve been involved in the Storm Restoration industry for over 20 years. my first Storm  Venture began shortly after Hurricane Isabel in 2003.

 I had worked briefly in the Dallas storm of that year, and had just gotten enough of the taste of this industry to want to explore further. So I went over to Prestige Ford in Garland Texas and bought a brand new crew cab to From the general manager where I had work the previous year. In 2002 me and Tom Holland spent 60 days on-site Working with sales people and managers that resulted in the second 30-day. Catapulting the dealership to number one in the nation by selling over 1,000 new cars and trucks.

That’s Why This Is The Closest Thing To FREE MONEY You’ll Ever See.

We pay attention to the stage of the storm

storm Partners our goal is to establish a relationship with you before the storm hits. That way you I know enough about us, and we know enough about you that we can deploy  sooner rather than later. We find that some of our customers don’t need us at the very beginning, and we also realize that it might take us a few days to get there depending on our other commitments. Some of our best work is done early in the storm but after that initial Rush where are you might be overwhelmed with opportunity. we’re looking for The Sweet Spot in your storm sales cycle where we can supplement well what you’re already doing.

Lead Disposition Optimized for Successful Outcome

 StormPartners decide at the point of prospect contact on lead disposition based on the following factors: Lead Characteristics & Field Sales Talent Availability and Pending Appointments & Pipeline, Time of Day, and other factors determined to affect the overall successful outcome. 

Pre-Sales and Selling Presentations. StormPartners will engage all prospects in a pre-sales dialogue–with buyer sales defenses and hot buttons identified. A sales strategy is developed for immediate use to close the opportunity for use in subsequent meetings. The candidate will be taken as far along in the process that is both feasible and optimal based on the factors described in Lead Disposition above. 

    • Inspections. Depending on the availability of sales talent, StormPartners will set appointments for others or will immediately inspect the roof. Before the inspection, Homeowner will be furnished with the companies standard insurance representation agreement and encouraged to sign upon delivery of the roof conditions. If in a joint selling situation, StormPartners will decide on how to close or pass-off the prospect to the Contractors salesperson.  
    • Estimates. StormPartners will act as a broker in securing the adjuster paperwork (AP) for the Contractor to follow-up. The Contractor will create estimates and assign them to salespeople.

We work with sales teams that want to go to the next level

We have a Quick Start program That is targeted for small to medium-sized companies looking to dramatically expand after the first Rush of the storm. We’ve been working with sales teams for years and love finding those companies that are willing to invest in their people.  we are experts in using proprietary software based on a benchmark analysis and we can assess your candidates provide you coaching tools  and reports to help them achieve and grow

How We Canvass Effectively

StormPartners will solicit by canvassing in designated areas (provided by Contractor) to prospective homeowners for a free storm damage assessment or estimate. StormPartners uses for managing leads and appointments. The appointments set the same day will be assigned or coordinated using a WhatsApp Sales Group created explicitly for administering leads/appointments. (We try to schedule prospects during non-peak times). 

Lead Disposition Optimized for Successful Outcome. StormPartners decide at the point of prospect contact on lead disposition based on the following factors: Lead Characteristics & Field Sales Talent Availability and Pending Appointments & Pipeline, Time of Day, and other factors determined to affect the overall successful outcome.

Storm Partners back-office operations Simplify the mobilization effort

StormPartners will maintain back-office personnel at (or virtually all) times to assist in managing this activity. StormPartners will facilitate integration with the Contractor’s CRM, with follow-up coordinated in the most expeditious manner possible. StormPartners has a well developed account with lead follow-up templates to track prospects until they are passed-off to clients CRM. Additional management of leads and customers is available.



Mr. David Welch



Want To Know How We Generate The Highest Quality Leads For Your Roofing Business? Get Your Free Consult Now!

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